4 Digital Input and 4 Digital Output Device (DIO-844)



DIO-844 (4 Port Digital Input and 4 port Digital Output Device) provides 4 digital input ports and 4 digital output ports. 

DIO-844 device can receive/transmit the digital values (Binary 0 or 1) using (1) MQTT/WiFi and (2) WiFi techniques. Method (1) sends MQTT messages to the remote MQTT broker directly. Methods (2) requires to work with the MQTT server. Messages processed in the MQTT Server can be displayed in the remote PC monitor via a private VPN link. 

LoRa technique is not designed in this device.

Hardware Features

DIO-844 device

WiFi Specification

Power Supply

4 Port Digital Inputs and 4 Port Digital Outputs

IEEE 802.11b/g/n, 2.4 GHz, transmit power 18 dBm

DC 12V

Software Features

Message Protocol

Push Notification


LINE Notify 

Digital Input Modules

Digital Output Modules

DIO-844 with MQTT

Method (1) MQTT/WiFi is the simplest way to send messages to the MQTT broker in the Internet and be relayed by the MQTT broker and received by the APP in the smart phone.

DIO-844 interfaced with Digital Input Modules: (1) Door/Window Magnet, (2) Emergency Button, (3) PIR, (4) CO Detector, (5) Smoke Detector, etc., will show the ON/OFF states of the inputs. DIO-844 provides 4 digital output ports to interface with (1) Light Bulb, (2) Wall Switch, (3) Siren, etc.

The four Digital Inputs send (publish) 4 Topics to the public EMQX broker via the Internet. The public EMQX broker re-sends the MQTT messages to the Smart phone, i.e., the Smart phone subscribes the exact 4 Topics to the public EMQX broker.

The four Digital Outputs receive (subscribe) 4 Topics from the public EMQX broker which relays the command messages from the Smart phone, i.e., the Smart phone publishes (sends) the 4 Topics to the public EMQX broker to turn on or turn off the DO modules connected to the Digital Output port. The MDO1 ~ 4 reflect the digital output (DO) status when the DO1 ~ 4 send digital messages to the public EMQX broker to be relayed to the DIO-844 device.

The Smart phone receives or transmits the MQTT messages and uses the APP (MQTT Panel) to diplay the results of the MQTT messages as shown in the figure.